1. Submit your review on Amazon.
2. Submit your review using the form below.
3. Get paid!
Must be a verified shopper
You will not be added to an email list, and we will not send you offers!
Step 1
Submit your review on amazon.
You can use the links below. Simply click the image and be whisked away to the Amazon review page.
Step 2
Leave your review using this form
(we use this to match your review to those on Amazon so you can get paid. Make sure to use the same name, title, and text)
Product I purchased
Your feedback is super important to us! It will help our small business grow.
Step 3
Get paid via Amazon gift card to your email.
Once your review is posted, we will match it to the review you submitted in the form above and issue your $5 Amazon gift card.
Easy math $5 = 20% on a $25 purchase, or 10% on a $50 purchase!
Amazon gift card never expires and can be used for any item on Amazon.com.
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